
Despite Obama ... Be Encouraged

I'm sure everyone has read and written quite enough about the political situation. Most of you know that I am a Christian. I didn't really like either candidate . Maybe I would have supposed McCain to be the lesser of two evils, though anyone I would have thought decent enough didn't stand a chance.

I didn't vote. Not because I didn't want to; I thought I had an absentee ballot, but I found out a day before the elections that it was only an application for an absentee ballot. I would have stood in line on election day to register, but I got intensely sick around Monday evening. Characterised by the usual, difficulty breathing, muscle aches, dry throat, runny nose. I wouldn't have wanted to wait two or three hours for registration like that. So the circumstances were against me. And really, I still hadn't decided whether to go with the "lesser of two evils" principle or to vote my conscience. Now it doesn't matter. Anyway ...

What I do want to throw out there, right now, are a couple of reminders for my fellow believers. Many of you, some who are dear to me, have become greatly discouraged by Obama's win. I agree that it is discouraging. I'm not going to engage in any political debates, but morally speaking, Obama is really not who I would have wanted, either. However, what is done is done, and God is sovereign, and before we ever even cast our ballots, God knew that this would come about, and He allowed it to be! And if I may dare tiptoe through the TULIP with you for a moment, I also remind you that despite whatever "change" will come about because of who America elects, it is those whom God elects that know true change. There is no presidential leader that can come into this nation and add, remove, change or reform anything that will solve the problem of humanity. To think as much would be humanistic at the very least. If you do not know God, then even national crisis is a moot point next to your own depravity. Only the Holy Spirit can bring about the sanctifying change we truly need.

That said, every true believer needs to remember this: God is seated on the throne. The deal is as good as finished; one day Christ will return for His church! Our citizenship is not of this world but of His Kingdom. All of this may sound rather cliche to anyone who's been a Christian long enough, but actually dwell on it! What can man, (even a president) really do to you? Does he have dominion over your soul or anyone's? Do not fear our leadership; fear God, and pray for our leadership.

Yes, I said pray.

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." - 1 Tim 2:1-2

Paul wrote this to Timothy when Nero was in power. Nero! If Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, could say as much for Nero (who did great things against the Christians,) then we can certainly say as much for any leader of this country.

Be careful how much time you spend complaining. If you choose to discuss politics with others, do not be foolish in your discussion, reverting to insults and blind speculations, but educate yourselves on what you discuss and be respectful. Most importantly, do not allow all of it to cause you to lose sight of God and His sovereignty. Do not cease to praise Him. Do not stop bringing your desires before Him! Don't allow your skepticism to cause you to forget that He is in control.

And pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, that they may remember to do the same.

So, yes. Barack Obama may promise "Hope" and "Change" ... Let him. Our King gave us this long ago.

Love you guys. Be wise.


kitty said...

Excellent post. Remembering that Nero (the biggest psycho until Hitler) was king when Paul wrote that always reminds me to respect authority, even if I don't them. It's important to respect the position they hold.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the godly perspective, Heather! You are an encouragement to me. As we sophomores delve a little deeper into Acts, we witness the scary conlict between the apostles and the Sadducees who so vehemently opposed the idea of resurrection, and of course the idea that they were responsible among others for the death of Someone so very important. We looked at I Peter 2:13-17, written just a years before Paul's second letter to Timothy. You should check it out.:)

I remember the slogan for Voice of the Martyrs fondly, especially considering the growing influence of "tolerance" and thus hatred of absolute truth: FEAR GOD, NOT MAN.