

I hate doing things like this, so I'm going to try to make it worth it. :)

1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about their self on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people and post their icons on the same journal.
4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them.
5. No tag-backs.

1.) I did this once before ... over 3 years ago. There were 20 questions instead of 8. And looking back ... there is a staunch difference between who I was and who I am. :: [link] ... A lot has changed.

2.) "Chrishankhah" is the name of a fictional character I once had. Came up with the name when I was about 7 or 8 -- It was a combination of the words for "Christian" and "Ankh" -- "Christian" because she was a "good" vampire, and "ankh" because she was Egyptian and had eternal life. (Ah was just to feminise it.) Wrote about it for years ... Then I got saved. I had to deliberate for a long time before giving it up. It wasn't easy and still isn't, sometimes. But the combination of dark fantasy, demonic things, unbiblical things, convicted me. It bothers me to this day that there are Christians into series like "Twilight" and whatnot, because there's nothing holy about romanticising something demonic like a vampire.

3.) I am a true Christian, a grave sinner who was blood-bought and redeemed -- and given great doctrinal convictions. I am (as the Christian community labels,) "Calvinist," "Lordship," "Baptistic," "Trinitarian," "Regulative (Worship)," "Complementarian," "Covenant." (Note that "legalist" isn't in that list!) Saved for 2 1/2 years. I live my life for God, now. If it is His will, I would like to enter the missionary field. Not to "earn" points with God -- it is simply my conviction and He has made me to desire all things for His glory.

4.) I'm living in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin (about 20 minutes out of Waukesha,) with a couple from my church. I do my best to help -- do whatever I can -- so that I'm not completely "mooching." Nor do I drive or have a job, but am working on both. I was previously going to school here at New Tribes Bible Institute, but distance and some other personal things cut that short. But I am becoming a part of an amazing local church which shares the same doctrinal convictions that I do. I'm not completely sure what God has for me here yet, but I pray His will be done. :)

5.) I was almost married, once. The wedding was cancelled literally a night before it was to take place. Everything in that relationship, ranging from selfishness to sexual sin broke the relationship -- and also me. This was the thing God used when He saved me. I like to wear my engagement band on the opposite hand as a reminder of a) the fact that I am the bride of Christ, and b) that I must never again be the woman I was (lustful, disrespectful, overly sensitive, etc,) if God so wills that I do marry, one day.

6.) I don't seem to have an ordinary way of thinking. For instance -- I'm told I'm "book-smart," but blonde and braindead when it comes to social street-smarts. ... In general, I pick up on a lot of odd things that most people don't, and yet I miss a lot of obvious things that most people get. (and Sometimes, I just like to pretend to be dumb. :P) I'm also intensely overanalytical. Doh.

7.) I still love art. I love photographs for capturing God's beautiful creation. I love artwork because it is an expression of our creativity (which I firmly believe is a reflection of the image of God that we were made in,) I love literature for the amazing truths it can inspire and convey ... And music, food, and soforth. All things in their proper context are beautiful, they are gifts of God. All the more, it is why I become so deeply sick when these things are misused to satisfy human lusts and selfish desires. :(

8.) ... Oh, yeah. A lot has changed in 3 years -- but a lot hasn't:
- I still have goofy sleeping patterns (but I can control them better,)
- I still hoard (but I hoard less,)
- I'm still easily distracted (but I have a better time controlling it, ... unless you give me coffee!)
- I still love cats (but I don't spaz as badly at people for being mean,)
- light still gives me headaches (but they are less severe,)
- My accent still adapts to its surroundings (and it pretty much has,)
- and I'm still a conservative (but a Christian one, now.)

... I'm going to break the rules and not tag anybody. Instead, anyone who desires to do this, may. :)

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